I wrote the manuscript, now what?

At this point, you've spoken with other authors. Some are going with self-publishing, a multitude are querying agents, and others are doing their own revisions. What have you done? One of these things, maybe all three?

Where do YOU stand?

We can help. We've been right alongside other authors like yourself and have seen what works and what doesn't. Let me tell you now, there are many common mistakes that authors commit when they're trying to navigate this on their own. Don't waste your time. Don’t throw away money on a dead end. We know you have a list of questions and you won't find the right answers online. Have a professional assess YOUR journey and give you direct answers!

We don't want you to waste your time.

Our job is to put you on the path to getting your manuscript ready to be published. You have a unique set of goals that require honesty and experience that comes from over 30 years in the publishing industry. Let us answer your burning questions and you'll see if we're the right team to guide you.

what we'll discuss

Your goals

What do you want out of your writing career?
This will be critical in understanding how we can help you.

your manuscript

We'll talk drafts, titles, and more.
Have you been working with an editor, existing publisher, or beta readers?

next steps

Ask all of the questions you have. Now what?
Aligned with your goals, we will see what we need to do to get you there.
It's time to get clear on the direction to go, and we can do that if we know where you stand.

our services and more

Once we've gotten to know each other, we'll be able to see how we can help. At this point, your questions will all be answered and you'll have a clear understanding of what you need to move forward. This portion will be developing an action plan with the best possible outcome in mind.